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Topics of Interest



Armaments Presentation Tracks

• Small Arms
• Guns, Ammunition, Rockets and Missiles (GARM)

Armaments Topics of Interest

• Armament Modernization, Readiness, Threat Response Overmatch
• Armament Systems which Provide Joint Lethality in Contested Environments
• Armament Systems Initiatives of the US Army, USAF, U.S. Navy, USMC, and DARPA
• Legacy System Enhancements and Readiness to Build a more Lethal Force
• Platform Integration (Land, Sea, Air, Manned and Autonomous)
• Armament System Manufacturing and Readiness
• Armament Systems Energetics Materials
• Armament System Logistics and Maintenance
• Armament System Training Systems
• New Signature Suppression Technology
• New Barrel Technologies
• New Technologies for use in the Arctic
• Small Arms Technology Cross-over to Law Enforcement
• International Participation from Allies and Partners

Integrated Precision Warefare (IPW) 

Integrated Precision Warefare (IPW) 

Military Use Cases for Autonomy/AI

  • Incorporation of Unmanned Vehicles into Operations
  • Using AI/Autonomy in Command Decision Making
  • Rapid Capability Updates (Retraining Embedded AI/ML Algorithms)
  • Sensor and Data Management, to Include Prioritization of Alerts/Alarms

Military Use Cases for 5G

  • Command and Control
  • Sensor to Shooter Networks
  • Maintenance and Sustainment
  • Quality of Life

Digital Twinning

  • From Digital Design to Digital Training to Digital Maintenance/Sustainment Support, to Digital Platforms allowing the Force to Develop Innovative Solutions to Operational Challenges


  • Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Capabilities
  • Expeditionary Refit and Repair


  • Effectiveness of Live-Virtual-Constructive Training
  • Structured deployers Training Relevant for Europe and the Middle East

Other Enduring Challenges

  • Fostering and Rewarding Innovation at the Squad Level/on the Deck Plates
  • Optimizing Joint All-Domain Command and Control
  • Basic Research Problems that “we” haven’t Solved
  • Adapting Commercial Products and Solutions to Operational Challenges
  • Future Workforce Requirements: Education & Training


• Robotic Combat Vehicle Autonomy
• Robotic Logistics Vehicle Autonomy
• Robotic Armaments
• Autonomy Enabling Technologies (Optical Sensors, LiDAR, PNT, Sensor Cleaning, Processing, Power Management)
• Platform Integration Challenges
• Multi-Agent Control Autonomy
• Robotics on the Modern Battlefield- Lessons Learned and Predictions
• Robotic-Enabled Breaches

Submission Schedule

Authors should submit abstracts relevant to the abstract categories. Abstracts should be clear and address Armament System technologies, enablers, and integration providing benefits to the community at large.

Submission Deadline: Monday, June 24, 2024

Notification Deadline: End of July 2024

Final Program: Early September 2024

While the division strongly discourages marketing, it is recognized that presentations involving innovation, emerging technologies and new systems may have the appearance of a “sales pitch.” The division encourages the innovation and initiative of companies, commands and individuals who are addressing solutions to capability gaps, advancing the state of the art, addressing weapon system integration providing unique production capabilities or related supporting capabilities. Attention to “lessons learned,” operational capability and evolving impact of industrial base capability are of interest. International participation is welcomed.

It is the responsibility of each author to obtain approval to attend sufficiently far in advance of the conference to allow NDIA to publish an accurate program.

Submit Your Abstract

Additional Details

Multiple Submissions

Authors may submit multiple abstracts for presentations. However, the maximum number of presentations allowed for any author is two. This allows for the broadest range of technical presentations.

Tips for Authors

Since numerous abstracts will be submitted, it is important that the abstract clearly outline the summary of the project objectives, results, benefits to the warfighter an U.S. and allies defense capability. Abstracts with direct link to the Armament Conference theme and discuss specific capability benefits have the best chance of being selected. Preference will be given to those abstracts that provide a concise and thorough summary of the project objectives and results. Make your title as concise as possible to facilitate its listing in the conference program. Submissions must be appropriate for an open 20-minute oral presentation which includes 5 minutes for questions and answers. Presentation guidelines will be provided with notices of presentations selected.

It is the author’s responsibility to secure approval for participation and travel prior to submitting an abstract.

Conference Registration

Primary authors of abstracts that are selected for presentation are required to register and pay a reduced conference fee. Fee guidelines and criteria will be provided as soon as possible. Please keep this in mind prior to submitting an abstract.

Restricted Access Presentation Content

Presentation of Unclassified Export Controlled Technical Data and/or any data associated with the United States Munitions List (USML) or the Commerce Control List (CCL).

The 2024 Future Force Capabilities Conference & Exhibition will include sessions with open discussion Distribution A content and limited access Distribution D Content. Authors must indicate whether the presentation for which they are submitting an abstract will be one of the following:

• Distribution A – Approved for Public Release.
• Distribution D – Department of Defense and U.S. DoD Contractors only (Joint Certification Program). U.S. Citizens Only.

Do not submit an abstract that contains Distribution D, Unclassified Export Controlled Technical Data. If an abstract is accepted for a presentation which will contain Distribution D content, the authors will be given instructions on how to submit that presentation in accordance with NDIA procedures for handling Unclassified Export Controlled Technical Data. The title of any presentation that contains controlled unclassified information (CUI) must itself be approved for public release.

Authors who are DoD Contractors will be required to submit an Employment Verification Letter and a copy of their companies’ DD2345 – Military Critical Technical Data Agreement from for access to or presentation in Distribution D sessions. Government employees/active-duty military will be required to present a valid CAC card when accessing these sessions/content.

NOTE: This conference is an UNCLASSIFED conference. DO NOT submit an abstract for a presentation that is classified.

Questions? - NDIA Division/Committee Contact List


Nick Perry
Armaments Division Chair

Todd Masternak
Armaments Division Vice-Chair

Armaments – Guns, Ammunition, Rockets and Missiles (GARM) Committee

Matt Eckel
GARM Committee Chair

Armaments – Small Arms Committee

Dan Shea
Small Arms Committee Chair

Armaments - Unconventional Emerging Technology Armament Committee

Alan Kull
Unconventional Emerging Technology Armament Committee Chair

NDIA Staff Contacts