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NDIA will be hosting the 2024 Future Force Capabilities Conference & Exhibition, September 24-27, 2024 at the Virginia Beach Convention Center in Virginia Beach, VA. This conference brings together NDIA’s Armaments, Robotics, Munitions Technology Fuze, and Integrated Precision Warfare communities. These diverse interest groups will cover capabilities across a wide spectrum from armaments, missiles and space effects to modern robotics, and fuzing technology. 

Individuals wishing to present are required to submit a concise abstract (less than 4,000 characters) no later than Monday, June 24, 2024. Authors will be notified if their proposed abstract has been accepted for presentation at the end of July.  

Please upload your abstract here and complete ALL required information. All abstracts must be submitted electronically in accordance with specific instructions below.

Submit Abstract Here

The following subjects are suggested, although submissions are not limited to subjects in these categories:

Armaments & Munitions (Small Arms and GARM)

Armaments & Munitions (Small Arms and GARM)

Armament Modernization, Readiness, Threat Response Overmatch  |  Armament Systems which Provide Joint Lethality in Contested Environments  |  Armament Systems Initiatives of the USA, USAF, USN, USMC and DARPA  |  Legacy System Enhancements and Readiness to Build a More Lethal Force  |  Platform Integration (Land, Sea, Air, Manned and Autonomous)  |  Armament System Manufacturing and Readiness  |  Armament Systems Energetics Materials  |  Armament System Logistics and Maintenance  |  Armament System Training Systems  |  New Signature Suppression Technology|  New Barrel Technologies for Use in the Arctic  |  Small Arms Technology Cross-Over to Law Enforcement  |  International Participation from Allies and Partners

Click here for more details.



Development | Devices | Production |  Explosive Trains   |  Demilitarization  |  Initiation Methods | Materials/Processes/Testing  |  EOD Consideration | Fuze Qualification | Fuzing Systems | Fault-Tolerant Safety Architectures | Fuzing Requirements | Electronic Components | Analyses | Environmental Sensors | Materials | MEMS | Processes | Power Sources | Safety & Arming Devices | Programmable Logic Implementation| Proximity Sensors | Fuze Setters | Safety & Reliability | Data Recorders | Commercial & Government Standards | Software Safety Validation & Verification | Testing Methods and Results

Click here for more details.

Integrated Precision Warfare (IPW)

Integrated Precision Warfare (IPW)

Incorporation of Unmanned Vehicles into Operations | Using AI/Autonomy in Command Decision Making | Rapid Capability Updates (Retraining Embedded AI/ML Algorithms) | Sensor and Data Management, to Include Prioritization of Alerts/Alarms | Command and Control | Sensor to Shooter Networks | Maintenance and Sustainment | Quality of Life | From Digital Design to Digital Training to Digital Maintenance/Sustainment Support, to Digital Platforms allowing the Force to Develop Innovative Solutions to Operational Challenges | Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Capabilities | Expeditionary Refit and Repair | Effectiveness of Live-Virtual-Constructive Training | Structured deployers Training Relevant for Europe and the Middle East | Fostering and Rewarding Innovation at the Squad Level/on the Deck Plates | Optimizing Joint All-Domain Command and Control | Basic Research Problems that “we” haven’t Solved | Adapting Commercial Products and Solutions to Operational Challenges | Future Workforce Requirements: Education & Training

Click here for more details.



Robotic Combat Vehicle Autonomy  |  Robotics Logistics Vehicle Autonomy  |  Robotic Armaments  |  Autonomy Enabling Technologies (Optical Sensors, LiDAR, PNT, Sensor Cleaning) Processing, Power Management)  |  Platform Integration Challenges  |  Multi-Agent Control Autonomy  |  Robotics on the Modern Battlefield-Lessons Learned and Predictions  | Robotic-Enabled Breaches

Click here for more details.

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